
EXHIBITION! 'Biosphere 1' at Tamp and Stitch by Robin


For those of you who don't know, Robin is the other half of News of the Curd. She is our designer of all things pretty and for the first time she will be have an exhibition of some of her painted works! This will be happening this Thursday May 2nd at Tamp and Stitch on Scarlett Row. This is what she has to say about the exhibition:

The Biosphere is, in a word: earth. It is made up of all the ecosystems which vary dramatically but all work together as a system. The creatures we co-habit the biosphere are essential parts of that system. In these paintings I thought about the diversity of life, and how some inadvertently provide us with essential services, for free.


This exhibition is also suitable for people who like animals wearing hats, cacti and penguins with silly hair.


So there you have it, pop along Gruel Guerilla will be supplying some tasty snack for the evening and there's wine and beer....and penguins...with silly hair. It's pretty much the best thing you can do on a Thursday night! All the pieces will be available for purchase throughout May and can be collected on the 1st Thursday in June.



The first 'andPOPUP' at TAMPandSTITCH by gruelguerilla

We are taking over the reigns from News of the Curd

to host a special food event in Tamp & Stitch on the last Thursday of each month!

We now proudly announce these as the 'andPOPUP'

Each month we will pair two great things for an evening of merriment and feeding. Everything that goes into this night will come Ireland!

Without further ado we present you with BURRITOSandBREWS

We have got in cahoots with the guys from 8 Degrees Brewing to bring you a spicy night to loud music, mexican food and the greatest of Irish Brewing.

Turn up anytime after 6pm and get your hands on one of our very special one night only burritos, stuffed with all Irish ingredients. Drink some beers and have a great start to your Thursday night, we'll keep going till the food runs out!

You can help us keep track of our numbers here