
Mexican Inspired Secret Supper at Cha! by Kevin


WHAT A POSTER, I AM A LUCIDOR! This has to be my favourite poster yet and also one of the suppers I'm most excited to make! There's four spots gone already but plenty spaces left. We are sticking with the seasonal stuff here! Pheasent! Poached in milk, it'll be super tender with wonderful homemade mole sauce! But anyway! FOOD, COME EAT IT!


Sip & Slurp (A new café on Charlemont St) by Kevin

It's has been a busy and exciting two weeks. I was very pleased to be asked to help create the menu for a very interesting new café on Charlemont St. They were going to specialise in soups, numerous and varied. The had taken over the a café formerly Café Nous and completly done it up. The interioir which is cool and relaxed was designed by Curve.

What they wanted from me were soup recipes, numerous and varied. I jumped at the opportunity. The café owned and operated by Tiernan, Nerissa & Barry (a group of friends all in their 20's). Their age above all was what interested me most. I get very excited to see people my age doing stuff for the food industry in Ireland. So I came up with recipes many recipes and we tried them all! We also developed homemade stock for the soup along with a range of salads and sandwiches. The salads change weekly while the sandwiches enjoy a rather regular change. Along with cooking the ham in house, all relishes and humus are made in house.

It's been wonderful and soup filled. They opened on Thursday 18th to eagerly waiting lunch crowd from the nearby Harcourt St area. Come 12:30 we were filled with well dressed people enjoy all the soups we could offer them! I was very pleased to see it get nice and busy.

I really like the energy in Sip & Slurp. It always smells great with the soups on the go constantly for the next day, everything is fresh and warm. The atmosphere is very comfortable and welcoming.

In other news concerning the life and times at Sip & Slurp, Nerissa and myself will be opening the café on either a Saturday or Sunday to do amazing brunches for folks about looking to eat and drink wonderful treats at the weekend. The menu will be designed and cooked by me and Nerissa will hip up beautful coffees. It's all starting in November.

So that's it, a wonderful café is now at your disposal, soups are tasty, they'll keep you warm, you should come along and say hello.



Japanese Style Supper at Cha by Kevin

Well this Friday I've been set an amazing task by Robin to make a Japanese Style supper! I am excited. The menu looks amazing. Robin has also designed one of the greatest posters yet. I'm looking forward to making this and I feel like it'll be an awesome success....

All the usual stuff applies, we are in Joy of Cha on Essex St, it's €25 a head and it includes everything. We feel it's more of a beer and sake night, but if you feel like wine then that's cool too. The corkage is €5 for a bottle of wine or for every 4 bottles of beer. It'll be a feast, you'll be well fed and we'll even ply you with a bit of warm saké at the end! Hope to see you there! There's 16 spots open!

A Secret Supper *Cheese Special* by Kevin

So here it is! Our little supper in appreciation of our great artisan cheese culture. We'll be holding the supper here NOTC HQ. So we have limited space but not limited cheese.

So it's all the usual Friday requirements except there's no corkage. So bring plenty of wine to wash down the cheese. Also bring a friend. We have 8 spaces up for grabs actually make that 5 spaces.

Hope to see you here!

News of The Curd heads for Ardbia! by Kevin

So a few months ago Aoibheen from the wonderful Ardbia contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in doing a meal in Nimmos. I said "yes". Very much yes. Here it is! I'm planning on having a few surprises for the night and it should be a laugh! Also look at that! Two desserts! Two!

Finally my followers in Galway get to have a meal! €40 is the cost  it includes wine! There might even be a little amuse bouche to start of the evening or even finish the evening. I'm terribly excited! I hope to see you there. Also once again D has made the most amazing poster for the evening!

The Return of The Secret Suppers at Cha! by Kevin

We are back! After our 1 week break we return to Joy of Cha with a Korean Style menu to share with your friends or enemies you treat nicely.

This week we'll be slow cooking large pieces of pork shoulder that will be placed in front of you and 3 other people to pull apart and stuff inside of lettuce leaves with all manner of wonder condiments. I feel that October will be some what of a porky month and I feel that this supper is a bit more of a beer supper that wine. But that's up to you to decide.


Super Secret Supper during TB Culture Night by Kevin

So we are letting Sergui have his café back for Culture Night! We are going to hold the dinner at a different location! I'm really excited about this menu...

We have gotten our venison from Ed HIck and all our seasonal veg is coming from the McNally's farm. It's going to be an amazing evening. Very tasty and then you can go out and explore all the Temple Bar has to offer you! I might even pop out instead of washing up.